Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine complete checklist

Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, 2008

Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, 2008

One of the first national magazine clients to contact me with work in my first year of business, was Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine. While never a particularly high paying client, I always enjoy working on their assignments, as they are one of the few remaining ‘Pulp Fiction Digests’ on the newsstands, and I feel that working for them provides a link from myself to some of my illustration heroes of the past. AHMM would continue to use me off and on for the next 30 plus years, usually half page to full page black and white scratchboard illustrations, sometimes in nearly ever issue (like in 1991), and other years very sporadically (and with a 2 year break, from 1998-1999, which coincided with my change from physical to digital illustration). The magazine is still in publication today, although they have cut down to a bi-monthly schedule, and illustrations now only appear once or twice an issue instead of an illustration for every story.

I wasn’t always as dutiful as I should have been, in saving a copy of every issue at the time they were published (who knew at the time how long this working relationship would last), but now, after 30 years in the business, and with this being my longest lasting client, I would like to complete my collection of back issues for my sample library.

As of May of 2018, I have appeared (by my count) in 140 issues of the magazine, of which I’ve got physical copies of only 49 of them. I am on a search for all of the issues listed in bold below, and if you happen to come across this list and have access to any of these magazines, I’d love to hear from you ( The illustrator is usually listed next to the artwork in tiny print, and I was usually working in scratchboard for this client.


In reverse chronological order. Back issues I need for my collection are in bold. Link leads to a sample of the illustration (some taken from printed samples).

“The Waiting Game” (2021)
“The Witches of Endor” Janice Law (2021)
Cover Illustration: “The Beast of Eastdale Tarn” James Tipton (2021)

“The Botanist” Joan Druett (2020)
“The Sandlewood Killer” Teresa Doval (2020)

“Dead Man’s Hand”  (2019)
“The Courthouse Paperboy” Kevin Egan (March/April 2019)
“The Beacon Hill Suicide” Shelly Dickson Carr (January/February 2019)

“Scrap Drive” Loren D. Estleman (September/October 2018)
“High Explosives” (March/April 2018)

“A Respectable Lady” Joseph D’Agnese (July/August 2017)
“Electric Boogaloo” John Shepherd (September/October 2017)
“The Kubelsky Block” John C. Boland (May/June 2017)

“Beks and the Second Note” Bruce Arthurs (December 2016)
“Death at the Althing” Stephen P. Kelner Jr. (November 2016)
“The Great Aul” R.T. Lawton (July/August 2016)
“Death of a Feminist” Sarah Weinman (June 2016)
“The Empty Space” Kurt Bachard (May 2016)
“We Walk on Top of Guns” Jay Carey (April 2016)
“Smothered Mate” Steven Liskow (January/February 2016)

“Hagiophobia” William Burton McCormick (November 2015)
“Ross MacDonald’s Grave” Terence Faherty (October 2015)
“Shooting at Firemen” Robert Lopresti (July/August 2015)
“Her Father’s Daughter” John C. Boland (June 2015)
“The Color of Gold” Donald Moffitt (March 2015)
“18&1/2 Minute Gap” Larry Light (January/February 2015)

“Tin Cop” Loren D. Estleman (December 2014)
“Red Alert” Joseph Goodrich (Nov 2014)
“We Don’t Trust the Night” Jay Carey (July/August 2014)
“Man Buries Man” Steve Lindley (June 2014)
“Hunters” John M. Floyd (May 2014)
“Sitting Ducks” Loren D. Estleman (April 2014)
“The Curious Case of Rabbit and the Temple Goddess” Leah R. Cutter (January/February 2014)

“The Psychic Investigator” Janice Law (December 2013)
“The Queen of Yongju-Gol” Martin Limon (November 2013)
“Two Men, One Gun” Robert Lopresti (October 2013)
“Stimulus Money” Dan Warthman (July/August 2013)
“Hitting the Breaks” Gina Paoli (June 2013)
“The Dead Man’s Daughter” Philip DePoy (April 2013)

“Big Watts” Doc Finch (September 2012)
“The Last Supper” Jane K. Cleland (June 2012)
“Mr. Crockett and the Bear” Evan Lewis (May 2012)
“O’Nelligan and the Lost Fates” Michael Nethercott (March 2012)
“Last Call” Wayne J Gardiner (January/February 2012)

“Blue Amber” William Burton McCormick (June 2011)
“The Witch-Couple” Mike Culpepper (April 2011)
“The Berzerk Feud” Mike Culpepper (January/February 2011)

“Shell Game” Neil Schofield (November 2010)
“Who Murdered Mama?” Robert S. Levinson (September 2010)
(Isaac Asimov Science Fiction Magazine) 2 planet maps (1) (2) (2010)
“True Test” BK Stevens (May 2010)
“Requiem for Antlers” Rich Alderman (January/February 2010)

“The TrollFarm Killing” Mike Culpepper (December 2009)
“The Necklace of Glass” Mike Culpepper (November 2009)
“Real Men Die” John H. Dirckx (September 2009)
“Silicon Valley Tango” Diana Deverell (July/August 2009)
“Shanks Gets Killed” Robert Lopresti (May 2009)
“Pandora’s Mistake” Gilbert M. Stack (March 2009)
“The Icicle Judgement” Mike Culpepper (January/February 2009)

“No. 40 Basin Street” O’Neil De Noux (November 2008)
“Feat of Clay” Donald Moffitt (September 2008)
“Mind Game” Ben Rehder (July/August 2008)
“Death at Kerameikos Cemetery” Marianne Wilski Strong (June 2008)
“Red Herring House” James Powell (May 2008)
“The Voice at the Barbican Gate” Eric Rutter (January/February 2008)

“Killing Time” Rhys Bowen (November 2007)
“Too Cold a Trail” Birney Dibble (October 2007)
“The Guardians” Jim Fusilli (September 2007)
“German Johnson and the Lost Horizon” L.A. Wilson Jr. (July/August 2007)
“More Dead Than Alive” (June 2007?)
“Sophistication” Eve Fisher (May 2007)
“Return of Jasper Kohl” John C. Boland (April 2007)
“Marley’s Package” John C. Boland (March 2007)
(Christmas Card Artwork for Dell Publishing)
“Humbug” Steve Hockensmith (January/February 2007)

“Counting Coup” by Brian Thornton (November 2006)
“The Heart Has Reasons” by O’Neil De Noux (September 2006)
“It Could Be Murder” by Percy Spurlark Parker (July/August 2006)
“Sleeping with the Plush” by Toni L.P. Kelner (May 2006)
“Mongol Mash” by Diana Deverell (March 2006)
“A Tale of Too Much Dickens” by James Powell (January/February 2006)

“Yellow Leaves” Dan Crawford (November 2005)
“Remember Me” Robert S. Levinson (October 2005)
“Journey to Oblivion” John H. Dirckx (September 2005)
“The Wall” Rhys Bowen (July/August 2005)
“A Method to Her Madness” Tom Savage (June 2005)
“A Matter of Policy” D.H. Redial (April 2005)

“Burden of Pity” Ann Woodward (December 2004)
“Gift Horse” Percy Spurlark Parker (November 2004)
“Paying for Rain” Jaine Fenn (July/August 2004)
“The House on Back Street” Jas. R. Petrin (May 2004)
“A Period of Adjustment” Elaine Menge (April 2004)

“Height Advantage” William J. Carroll Jr. (November 2003)
“The Void” Steve Lindley (October 2003)
“More Deadly to Give” B.K. Stevens (May 2003)
“A Slew of Slayers” John Dirckx (April 2003)
“Bringing in the Blossoms” Dan Crawford (March 2003)
“The Ring in the Sand” Eleanor Brower (January 2003)

“Sticks on the Prowl” Charles Cutter (November 2002)

“God Sees the Truth, But Waits” Leo Tolstoy (June 2001)
“Kinsella’s Saloon” Gregory Fallis (May 2001)
“Blood, Snow and Classic Cars” Joseph Hansen (April 2001)
“So We’ll Go No More A Roving” Michelle Knowlden (March 2001)

“An Act of God” Melville Davisson Post (December 2000)
“Runaways Traced” SL Franklin (October 2000)
“The Witches of Westfleet” DA McGuire (September 2000)
“Cut and Dried” by William Hallstead (June 2000)

“Exceptions” by Kimberly Haugh (November 1997)
“Montezuma’s Castle” D.J. Bart (October 1997)
“A Game of Hangman” Ron Goulart (September 1997)
“Neither Rhyme nor Riot” K.R. MacLeish (June 1997)
“Blowback” William Beechcroft (May 1997)

“Their Silly Little Hands” Theodore H. Hoffman (June 1996)
“Sing and Sing Loud” Dan Crawford (May 1996)
“Interrogation” Jeffery Deaver (April 1996)
“Murder is My Specialty” James N. Frey (February 1996)

“One Toke Over the Line” Stephen F. Wilcox (October 1995)

“For Sale Cheap, No Returns” Dan Crawford (July 1994)
“Medium Rare” Helen Tucker (August 1994)

“User Unfriendly” Ruth A. Gerik (May 1993)

“Payback” Charles Ardai (April 1992)
“A Cool Clean Shot” Thomas Adcock (March 1992)

“Hamadryad” Tony Richards (December 1991)
“A Fly on the Wall” Elliott Capon (November 1991)
“Confession” Stephen Wasylyk (October 1991)
“A Strange View of Murder” Stephanie Kay Bendel (September 1991)
“The Ronnie” K.D. Wentworth (August 1991)
“Way Out” Robert Halsted (July 1991)
“Shhhhhh!” Charles Garvie (May 1991)
“But I Never Go to Chelsea” Frank Orenstein (April 1991)
“Guns at the Edge of the Empire” Gregor Robinson (March 1991)
“The Man Who Loved Noir” Loren D. Estleman (February 1991)
“There Are Fantasies in the Park” Marion M. Markham (January 1991)

“Medusa in Mourning” Marianne Strong (December 1990)
“A Little More Research” Joan Hess (November 1990)
“Front Window” Dan Crawford (September 1990)
“Dreams of Death” Robert Hood (July 1990)
“The Return of the Matchbook Detective” E. E. Aydelotte (June 1990)
“Blood” Robert Halstead (April 1990)
“Part Time” Debbie Hodgkinson (March 1990)

“No Photographs” Justin D’Ath (December 1989)
“The Grin Reaper” Kenneth Gavril (November 1989)
“Frozen Desserts” Carol Farley (October 1989)

As of January 2019 I am still missing 13 artwork samples from the early years (1990-1997). Thanks to Bruce Harris of New Jersey for many samples of my early artwork (1989-1993) including a copy of the very first issue of AHMM I ever appeared in.